Traditional Village
In the Tower of Santorini have been maintained and renovated buildings traditional, dedicated in the projection of daily life as she is answered in the Santorini of passed years. Built from 1895, this cluster receives the visitor which can watch crowd of traditional occupations and proceeding that took place in the island: the process of production of wine, from the meditation of grapes and the vinification, up to the storage of must in the old, enormous, oak barrels, representation of distillation and production of raki, the production of tomato juice and tomato, basic Santorjne of product, but also the treatment of the famous at Greece “Santorine Fava”.
Important and integral department of Museum constitutes representation of old "rural house", decorated with authentic furnitures of season and snapshots of rural everyday routine, as the farmer the charged with timbers, with her goat, the "poharis", hunter of birds, girl that sews, the traditional ' transport of rural products with the donkey, while are not absent characteristic "vjolin players" that was considered essential in festive event. Deserves sure your visit in the room with the old photographs, that present elements of the different social stratification, the intellectual centres, schools as the mansions, landscapes, as well as social events of persons that lived before 100 years roughly.
The visit in the spaces of Museum that are open from Monday until Saturday from 8:00 up to the 15:00 will allow in the visitors to know the past of the beautiful island, "Santorine that left". For any information you can contact with the person in charge of Museum in the following telephones: 2286031101 and fax 2286031249.
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